The yellow fluffy kind.....
Two weeks old, still some fluff but feathers are starting to appear. Their brooding house steams from all the small, hot peeps in the early morning coolness, scaring us a bit as it looks like it is on fire! Two more weeks and they will be big enough to send out full time on pasture.
When we pick them up, they were about as big as a golf ball and probably weighted about the same. As their natural instinct is to eat, eat, eat we make sure they have a well rounded diet. Grains, sea kelp, raw apple cider vinegar and of course grass. Also, to prevent the 'broken-down' chicken grain is not kept in front of them all the time. Rather let the growing process stay slower, better tasting chicken with bones that support their weight. Ahhh, bones. Yes, as I am firmly into making and enjoying our own stock we plan on keeping every morsel from these chickens this year. Chicken backs, legs and organs will be kept and will be offering these up for you too!
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