My name is Dan Huntley. I am the 6th generation to live and manage what has become Huntley Farms. The 1st generation was born in 1791, descended from Canada in 1816, and has the first recorded deed to our current...
Walls going up, windows framed in, have we mentioned how much we love ICF blocks??Bracing along the left side keeps the wall plumb, also used as a walk way for workers. Trusses...
Ok....totally off subject. I LOVE ice cream. Our family continues to improve our diet and one of the staples treats that we really enjoy is ice cream. We searched.....and searched and found more junk ingredients; High Fructose Syrup, Carrageenan, Propylene...
8 O' c l o c k R a n c h CSA N e w s l e t t e r: August 31st 2013 Welcome New & Returning Members! Just a few days before the ingredients arrive! We are...
Uri Attia is a personal chef in NYC who loves food. How do we know this? Well, he is is obviously passionate..... Anyone who would haul 600lbs up three flights has GOT to be dedicated. He contacted us...
Foundation pad with edges dug to place ICF blocks Huge granite chunks from the ranch were used to edge foundation Newly delivered ICF blocks Rebar & mesh down, partial floor insulation. Lots and lots of rebar, we live in a...
The cool winds of fall have blown through our little St. Lawrence valley. Hints of golden, amber and red leaves are starting the dust the trees and this only makes the ranchers bustle faster. A midst all of the bounty...
The yellow fluffy kind..... You look'in at me? Two weeks old, still some fluff but feathers are starting to appear. Their brooding house steams from all the small, hot peeps in the early morning coolness, scaring us a bit as...
Easter was a last minute kind of special meal that we have perfected. Everyone was pretty exhausted from Spring's inevitable rush of breakdowns, delays and mistakes. On Friday while recalling the past week(s) the desire to really celebrate newness, refreshment...
67 CSA shares and 27 orders were sent out this week. We put bales out for the beef and sheep, twice. Cut up two chickens to make various dinners with and made my very first homemade stock out of the...
Sheep making new trails after snowfall. The men bringing in wood, keeps us warm both ways! Magnificent view Spot The three amigos who isn't saying "aaaawwww"? Ingredients for.... Pasta alla Carbonara..... with a few...
The move is happening. Prepping is in full force. Plans for a shipping 'area' have been mulling ( like fine cider) in our brains for years, literally. To think, it is hopefully going to happen this SPRING is hard to fully...