Eating, consuming, nourishing, binging. So many words for fuel. So many mindsets on what is right, and what isn't.
Did you catch the latest? Whole30 and Paleo are bad for you.
Yes, whole foods, healthy fats, eliminating possible inflammatory foods and replacing them with nutrient dense ones are not good for your health. For all of you who use either of these, what you do you think? Here is list of 15 nutrient dense foods ( chocolate is included!) from Health Ambition that IS good for you ( we eat almost all of them!)
Meanwhile - we went from frigid, to balmy. 60F for a day was all it took to melt our piles of snow and soften the ground. As amazing as that sounds, it really isn't. Mud is the alternative to cold weather and is even more horrible on a farm. Thankfully, it popped back down again and everyone is doing well.
I'm late for this week, so this will be a quick one. This week is already well under way!
Hope you all have a great rest of your week,
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