First share of the Spring season! I KNOW! Early, who would a thought? Well, several reasons. LOTS to cover, please keep reading, lots of goodies in this post ( at least we hope so!) We have been trying to think 'outside of the box' and did a family meeting after consolidating and reading through the recent survey responses we received from you. A few highlights were;
- "I want bones!" Bone broth, everyone wants it and we CAN provide!
- "Rather skip Cube steak" A few cuts that are not.very.popular. Understood, and easily changed.
- "Need more family friendly options" Not enough of one cut to feed the whole family, understood.
- "Looking for 'odd' cuts ( such as, Side pork, Mutton, Hocks, etc)" And this, too, shall be explained below.....
There are bonuses to being CSA members. Bones & fat ( beef, pork & lamb) as well as organs ( liver, heart & tongue) are available in 1 & 2 lb increments and are now FREE with your share. They are not unlimited, but if we have them, just ask and we will include.
We also have a few neat cuts, like Mutton ( we love it! ), cheek bacon ( so delicate), oxtails and smoked or fresh pork hocks. They can be included in your share in lieu of another cut. Going to let you know monthly what we available, just speak up as it is first come, first serve.
The last two months have been "bleary" ( wet and dreary) and only recently have we gotten any snow or colder temperatures. This has given us ample time to do some planning and plotting.....and spending. Well, at least on paper. Once we have your payments, we do a rough budget and see what projects can be greenlighted and in which order. First up, the long awaited shipping shed! Finishing the heavy duty insulation on the walk-in freezer, purchasing a condenser unit and having it installed and completing the office in the shed will mean we will finally be able to move our office out of the living room. I will be particularly pleased with this.

Some of you may follow us on FB and saw the recent announcement from Tri-Town that they resumed USDA inspected slaughter.
"The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles that we know nothing about." - Unknown.
So excited to be able to share this with you. We do plan on sending animals in and having USDA inspected cuts once again, however it will be a month or more though. A few more hurdles and we will be there!
One more new thing, we are showing you our plans for the CSA shares for the next three months and would love your imput, or even choices ( the more time we have to plan the better!) These are for our most popular share, the Half Mixed. If you have a Full Mixed, we usually double the quantities. If you have another share ( half beef, half pork, etc. they will be different than what is below). Your first month of choices are below,
March Option 1 for Half Mixed
- Cured Ham/Shoulder roast OR Lamb Shoulder roast
- Ground Beef
- Mild, Sweet or Hot Pork Sausage
- Beef Stew
- Boneless Pork Chops
- Osso Buco/Chuck Steak
- Sirloin OR Sirloin Tip Steak
- T-bone, Rib or Porterhouse Steaks
- Beef Roast (Bottom Round, London Broil, Brisket, Eye of Round)
- Ground Beef
- Ground Pork
- Pork Stew/Kabob OR Bacon
- Bone-in Pork Chops
- Pork Shoulder/Ham (Fresh or Cured) Steaks OR Smoked Pork Cheeks
- Pork Spareribs
- NY Strip, Ribeye, Filet Mignon OR BL Leg of Lamb
You are more than welcome to request other cuts on any of these shares, if we can, it will be substituted!
April Option 1 for Half Mixed- Beef Roast ( bone-in or boneless Chuck )
- Ground Beef
- Ground Pork
- Bacon or Hot dogs
- Bone-in Pork Chops
- Sandwich Steak
- Spareribs, Country Style or Baby Back Ribs
- BL Pork Loin roast, Lamb Leg Steak OR Pork Tenderloin
April Option 2 for Half Mixed
- Boneless Pork Roast ( Shoulder or Ham )
- Ground Beef
- Beef Mild, Sweet or Hot Sausage/Links
- Beef Stew OR Lamb Shanks
- Boneless Pork Chops
- Shortribs
- Sirloin or Sirloin Tip Steak
- NY Strip, Ribeye, Filet Mignon Steak
May Option 1 for Half Mixed
- Bone-in Pork Roast ( Shoulder or Ham)
- Ground Beef
- Kielbasa, Bacon OR Pork Stew/Kabob
- Beef Stew OR Lamb Shoulder Steak
- Boneless Pork Chops
- Top Round or Sandwich Steak
- Sirloin or Sirloin Tip Steak
- NY Strip, Ribeye, Filet Mignon OR Lamb Chops
May Option 2 for Half Mixed
- Beef Roast ( bone-in or boneless Chuck)
- Ground Beef
- Ground Pork
- Mild, Sweet or Hot Pork Sausage/Links
- Bone-in Pork Chops
- Pork Shoulder OR Fresh Ham Steak
- Spareribs, Country Style OR Baby Back Ribs
- T-bone, Rib, Porterhouse Steak OR Lamb Stew/Kabob
Thank you for sharing our harvest!
- - Kassandra and everyone from 8 O'clock Ranch
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