September CSA Newsletter Upcoming Delivery DatesSeptember 6th ( shipping Tuesday for Wednesday delivery)Want it delivered another day? Welcome to the first share of the Fall CSA! September doesn't feel very fall-ish....yet. The peak of summer has been reached and we are...
August CSA Newsletter Upcoming Delivery DatesAugust 1st ( shipped Monday for Tuesday delivery)Let us know if you would like it delivered another day! A bit of a late CSA newsletter, my apologies! Anyone else think they...
Perfect meal for July?! July CSA Newsletter It is going to be a little hot with a touch of steamy! We have been checking the weather and it looks a little warm for sending shares out next week. Normally, up to...
The story behind how we came to be offering the Berkshire pig is a long, winding road. After raising lamb and beef for a few years, the desire to have our own pork was there and we just so happened to know...
Hereford Mother and her offspring.First share of Summer, crazy. Do the days of May just skip and jump around, it feels like I've lost a few along the way.May is probably one of my favorite months. After months of being...
LambingThree solid weeks of lambing, including one day that I was away and Eathon & Cole managed eight ewes who lambed throughout the day. Poor guys had a cold but persevered to make sure each ewe and her lambs were...
Boiling down the sapFeels like Spring, right?!We go between mid 50's and well, snow. Winter may be officially over but I think he is shrugging off the bits of snow from his shoulders before he finally walks away. Enjoying the...
Spot First share of the Spring season! I KNOW! Early, who would a thought? Well, several reasons. LOTS to cover, please keep reading, lots of goodies in this post ( at least we hope so!) We have been trying to think...
Welcoming the sun while getting more hay to the beef.Last share of the Season! Please check your inbox, we have sent you a letter with info about the upcoming season, along with a three question survey. So far we are...
Cole's Snow PileHappy New Year! We didn't have a white Christmas but winter did show up and a crusty, crunchy snow has covered those greening pastures. This morning, while feeding the beef, our big lead cow Chocolate proudly brought her...