June 2024 CSA Newsletter
Grazing Season
A few days ago we put the very heavily pregnant cows across the road onto fresh grass. A few kicked up their heels in excitement but mostly that was left to the young ones. They were happy to taste the luscious grass, lounge in the shade of trees and for a few, give birth in the peace of the field just a few hours later. We watched as they licked their new calves, stumbled onto just hours old legs and began to follow their moms into the herd. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to see more pictures and video of our daily lives.
Pigs are out and have already created their own wallow ( a muddy spot they spend the warmer hours soaking in) and are hilarious to watch. One thing we haven't quite figured out is how to move them from the pasture they are in now to another one. It isn't so much the distance but how can we get them to follow us to the new pasture without any boundaries to run amok. Think of a toddler, without diapers, let loose in an entire house. They are technically "in" the fence, but....well, could get hairy.
The chicks we picked up on May 1st are doing incredibly well! At just under 3 weeks, we just opened the brooder doors and let them start exploring the outside. Very thankful for they are doing so well as we never expected to sell out of chicken so early in the year. One chick though had an eye that just didn't look great, all weepy and gummed up. It looked like it was making him uncomfortable and so I picked him up, soaked a tea bag and used it to soften the gummed up eye. After letting me clear it up, he settled into my palm and took a nap. A few days later, his eye has a black ring around it ( the only way I can tell it is him) but healed and acting just like the rest of his group!
Our Spring/Summer Shipping Schedule is below! Share invoices come out on the 21st of every month and I will post this newsletter on our blog shortly after. I will also email you the link so you don’t miss the news. If the first shipping date doesn’t work for you, just let us know and we can arrange a later ship day. Here is the upcoming schedule!
- June Shares Shipping; May 28th
- July Shares Shipping; June 25th
- August Shares Shipping; July 30th
- September Shares Shipping; August 27th
We drive all of your shares/orders about 3 hours south which allows those precious boxes to arrive the following day at your home. Less time in transit means the meat arrives cold and ready for your freezer. We can ship from the ranch on other weeks, however we do not offer coverage on losses or thawed meat. Please email or call if you would like to discuss a different schedule. Also, we are happy to double up on a month if you will be away the next delivery date.
Share options for this month ( below is an example share for a Small Beef, Pork & Chicken, your share may be different) are pretty flexible, let us know if you would like to switch out any cuts or need something for a special dinner. LAMB! Finally… if you love it and want a 5 lb. additional share ( $75) let us know or we are happy to add some to your current share. We are totally out of chicken until July!
- Beef Roast - London Broil, Brisket, Sirloin, Bottom Round or Rump Roasts
- Ground Beef or Beef Patties ( 1/4# or 1/3#)
- Ground Pork or Pork Sausages ( Breakfast, Sweet or Hot Italian, Chorizo or Kielbasa) or Smoked Bacon
- Berkshire Pork Chops - Bone-in or Boneless
- Pork Kabob, Stew or Cutlets
- Pork Ribs ( Country Style or Spareribs) or Pork Shoulder Steak
- YOUR CHOICE! Let us know the cut you would like or we will choose something for you!
- Lamb! OR a request extra of something you want!
You can also add; Maple Syrup, Honey, Meat Sticks, Jerky, and Sausage to your share. Just email us with what you are looking to add and we do the rest!
We hope you enjoy many summer meals and thank you again for your support!
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