"Not according to a calendar or watch but the life cycles of the animals"

Changing of another season, not according to a calendar or watch but the life cycles of the animals. The rams have been put out with the ewes with the hope of Springishness for them to be born. Time to coppice, hedge, and cut canes. Seasons change and it is time to prepare for winter, which is started as soon as it ends. Soon the beef will be back by the house to go on winter hay. Time to select for yours and our future, who stays and who goes. The animals enjoy the cold and absence of insect pests. I would like to say projects to finish so we can lay low for a time but that never happens, regardless of weather we push forward.

Your support of us shapes not only the lives but the landscape we enjoy and your children will enjoy for years to come. You are leaving a legacy for your children and preserving one for ours.

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