January 2024 CSA Newsletter The years certainly do speed bye..... Eathon was just a wee thing in this picture, "helping" to pack down grass that was harvested with his uncle Jess. Cole was in my arms and family was around...
December 2023 CSA Newsletter Beef Standing Rib Roast....CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ORDER MONTH - Standing Rib Roasts, Tenderloins ( Beef or Pork!), Frenched Rack of Lamb, Beef Briskets and many more! If you want something for your Holiday meal, would you let...
October 2023 CSA NewsletterThis year marks the 20th of our ranching adventure for our family. Did you know that ranching, butchery, or victualler has been our family heritage for right around 14 generations? Seems we have a history of endless optimism...
September 2023 CSA Share Newsletter My favorite time of the year, autumn. Yet, what a summer! Your share is shipping NEXT Tuesday September 5th and for those locally, we plan on delivering them to your door this Friday morning. If...
August 2023 CSA Share Newsletter Making Lemonade from lemons. That was July in a nutshell. I'm sure you all have your own stories of this... and some that just seem to have stayed lemons, which, if you love lemons could...
June 2023 CSA Newsletter Beef Herd headed to Spring PasturesGood afternoon All! I'm typing this out while watching the breezes blow the grass around, it swirls and waves with different shades of color. The sheep with their lambs are close...
May 2023 CSA Share NewsletterHello lovelies! I'm feeling better ( winter blah's) thanks to a little sunshine. The to-do lists are endless and that EXCITES me. Fencing is being checked, repairs made, all while we watch the grass goes from...
April 2023 CSA Share NewsletterSorry this newsletter is out a bit late, we have been working on some final details that will hopefully a fun surprise for you! The share this month is also specially picked out for Easter or...
March 2023 CSA NewsletterTis the season of lambs. Heavy ewes trundle about through snow, wider than ever. Then, one by one, they give up their young to the frosty exterior with its crisp air and inhospitable snow. It truly amazes...
February 2023 CSA Newsletter Not quite February, but the days seem to be slipping through our fingers. Somehow, in the midst of snow storms where days disappear, the sun has started to rise a little earlier. Delivery days locally use...