December 2016 CSA Newsletter
Cutest of LambsDecember 2016 CSA NewsletterWelcome to the Winter Season! We are so excited about this winter, it is starting off with such promise.For your very first share of the winter season, it is being packing tomorrow and shipped out...
Hi, I'm Maddie.
Hi Ya'll,I'm Maddie. I was recently asked by 8 O' Clock Ranch if I wanted to take on the title of "Social media manager" for their business. My  Aunt was continuously getting busier with other things on the Ranch and decided...
Passing Years
John spending some time with the beef herd.Passing Years It hits me harder with each passing year, or month... or, Ha! - daily. Time is precious and marches on. Do you ever get that sudden feeling of, "What on earth...
Vacation in the St. Lawrence River Valley
 Summers are for VacationsHope you all had a fantastic long weekend. It rained here in the St. Lawrence River Valley, but we enjoyed the opportunity to relax and do some summer planning. A friend of mine said her son was...
Baking day on the Ranch
Baking DayToday is a rainy day and calls for baking, lots of it. While the guys drain rain storage barrels to collect the new rain falling, I'm grinding, mixing and filling the cook stove with firewood. The first batch of...